If you want to become a member of Geek's Home, please fill out this form and send it to us (unfrtunately the form is only avaiilable in German at the moment):
As a member you have to acknowledge our constitution (again this is just available in German at the moment):
Membership information in a nutshell:
Membership costs 60 Euros per year. If you can and want to pay more, you're welcome to do so.
As a member you have the following advantages:
- complete access to our collection of Hardware, Software and machines and Library.
- free admission to our meetings and reduced admission fees for our events, conferences and workshops.
As a member you are always welcome to actively help us in any way, but it's not a must.
If you want to know more about Geek's Home and the Geek memebers, visit us on one of our events or contact us here so we can arrange a guided tour.